Seminar: Mathematical models to untangle infectious disease eco-evolutionary dynamics across scales
Abstract: Infectious diseases are complex systems across many scales. In this talk, I will use mathematical models to investigate a range of cross-scale questions in infectious disease eco-evolutionary dynamics. I will begin by modelling the transition from pathogen emergence to endemicity, landscapes of immunity, and the effects of vaccination. I will then use mathematical models to examine pathogen evolutionary dynamics, and to study individual decision-making and its effect on epidemiological dynamics (and vice-versa). Overall, I will provide a broad overview to highlight the use of mathematical models in infectious disease ecology and evolution.
Room 102: Lecture Theatre - Michael Smith Laboratories MBIM itsupport@microbiology.ubc.ca America/Vancouver publicSeminar: Mathematical models to untangle infectious disease eco-evolutionary dynamics across scales
Abstract: Infectious diseases are complex systems across many scales. In this talk, I will use mathematical models to investigate a range of cross-scale questions in infectious disease eco-evolutionary dynamics. I will begin by modelling the transition from pathogen emergence to endemicity, landscapes of immunity, and the effects of vaccination. I will then use mathematical models to examine pathogen evolutionary dynamics, and to study individual decision-making and its effect on epidemiological dynamics (and vice-versa). Overall, I will provide a broad overview to highlight the use of mathematical models in infectious disease ecology and evolution.