The interplay between electron transport chain function and iron regulatory factors..
Nanomolar anti-SARS-CoV-2 Omicron activity of the host-directed TMPRSS2 inhibitor...
The catabolism of lignin-derived p-methoxylated aromatic compounds by Rhodococcus...
Citrobacter rodentium possesses a functional type II secretion system necessary for..
Cholesterol-Mediated Coenzyme A Depletion in Catabolic Mutants of Mycobacteria...
A diversity of novel type-2 innate lymphoid cell subpopulations revealed...
Acidic pH modulates Burkholderia cenocepacia antimicrobial susceptibility...
Constraining the oxygen requirements for modern microbial eukaryote diversity
Microbiota-mediated effects of Parkinson's disease medications on Parkinsonian, ...