Application & Admission: Undergraduate Programs
Application & Admission
Application & Admission: Undergraduate Programs



Apply to UBC Science

The Department of Microbiology & Immunology is part of the Faculty of Science (#UBCSciene). Visit here for more information on how to apply or transfer to UBC Science



Internal applicants:


External applicants:



For students that have completed MICB 322, but need to take MICB 323:


Applicants Finishing Year 1

Students that were just promoted to Year 2 wanting to enter the Joint Degree Biotechnology Honours specialization and all students wishing to enter second-year Microbiology and Immunology Major specialization (#1153) or second year Combined Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology Major specialization (#1371), or the Combined Microbiology and Oceanography Major specialization (#3144) must apply using the on-line process administered by the Faculty of Science. Eligible students will receive an e-mail communication regarding the process in late May or early June. When you fill out the application it is important to list your preferences for different specialization in the order of preference because the process starts by using the first-year grades to rank each applicant then working down the ranked list and assigning specializations. This means that you will be considered for each of your choices before the next ranked student is considered.


Promotion to second year requires successful completion of a total of 24 or more credits from the first-year requirements for the specialization, of which at least 12 must be science credits from the Faculty of Science lower-level requirements or equivalent advanced credits. The lower-level Science requirements and the requirements for the first-year specializations are described in the Academic calendar. There are specific requirements are for the Honours Biotechnology specialization, the Microbiology and Immunology major specialization and the Combined specializations with Computer Science and with Oceanography. There are no honours specialization choices available in Microbiology and Immunology or the combined specializations for second year because the requirements for the honours and majors specializations in second year are the same.


Applicants Finishing Year 2

MICB 322 (Molecular Microbiology Laboratory) is a required course for the Microbiology and Immunology Major and Combined Microbiology and Oceanography Major specializations. It is an elective for students in the Combined Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology Major specialization. We offer MICB 322 in the first term of Winter session (84 seats) and in the first term of Summer session (24 seats).


All students entering third-year in good standing in the Microbiology and Immunology Major and Combined Microbiology and Oceanography Major specializations will be placed into MICB 322. Students are required to apply to the Department for placement in the Winter or Summer sessions of MICB 322. Students are given priority based on their academic performance.


Students will be ranked by their grades in BIOL 200, BIOL 201, MICB 211 (or MICB 201), MICB 212 (or MICB 202), CHEM 233 (or CHEM 203) and placed into their first preference (until the course is full).


Remaining seats in MICB 322 will be offered to students in the Combined Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology Major using the ranking criteria listed above.


After placing the second-year students from all Microbiology & Immunology specializations into MICB 322, students outside of the Microbiology & Immunology specializations can apply for the remaining seats.  These students would need to apply to the department for a seat in MICB 322.  Acceptance is contingent on space availability and a competitive average in BIOL 200, BIOL 201, MICB 211 (or MICB 201), MICB 212 (or MICB 202), CHEM 233 (or CHEM 203).


Promotion to year 3 requires the completion of:

  • 48 or more credits in total, 
  • completion of BIOL 200, MICB 211 (or MICB 201) and MICB 212 (or MICB 202)
  • an average of at least 60 percent in three-fifths of the credits (rounded up to the nearest whole course) for the named courses in the student’s specialization (not electives).

These requirements must be met within 78 attempted credits. Only passed and failed courses count toward “attempted” credits.


See for addition information


Eligibility for the Honour Specializations in MBIM and CPSC & MBIM requires: 

  • completion of all courses attempted (e.g., no failed courses, no withdrawals from courses),
  • completion of a minimum of 30 credits per winter session* (15 credits if doing one term of Cooperative Education work term etc.), 
  • a minimum 75% average per academic session.

Candidates for honours must meet the credit requirements below both before entering honours and while in honours.


*During the 2020 Winter session, students in Honour specializations were permitted to take 27 credits.


See for addition information


MICB 322 Application Forms 

Internal applicants:


External applicants:


Questions can be forwarded to Craig Kornak or Dr. Tracy Kion


For students currently in CAPS and PCTH that are interested in switching to MBIM, please see the following page