On October 6, 2022, the UBC-BCIT Biotechnology program celebrated its 20+ year anniversary in the Life Sciences Institute at UBC.
Originally developed in 2001 by UBC predecessor Dr. Bill Ramey, and his BCIT counterpart Dr. Paul Barren, the BIOT specialization of the UBC MBIM undergraduate program represents a highly successful model of inter-institutional educational collaboration.
A group of about 135 guests gathered in the LSI West Atrium to reconnect, expand their network, and celebrate the success of this unique program. With catering from the UBC Nest, speeches from program leaders, and drink tickets sponsored by AbCellera - the celebration was a great success.
“It was a wonderful evening of reconnecting with alumni, hearing about the amazing career paths they have taken, and watching current students and alumni forge connections. The energy around the local biotechnology industry was very evident in the room. I see lots of opportunity ahead for graduates of this unique B.Sc. program and I look forward to evolving the program together with MBIM to continue to meet the needs of industry.” - Sarah McLeod, Program Head.