Seminar: Lipids, Cholesterol, and Neurotransmitters: Mediators of Host-Microbiota Interactions
Abstract: The mammalian intestinal tract is colonized by a complex microbial community called the gut microbiota. This community both responds to and affects host physiology in diverse ways. We are interested in how gut bacteria interact with host lipids, cholesterol, and neurotransmitters. We are exploring bacterial chemical processes that reshape systemic host lipid and cholesterol metabolism, and are investigating how lipid-mediating gut bacteria respond to dietary lipids. In addition, we are interested in how gut bacteria interact with neurotransmitters and drugs that modulate neurotransmitter activity, such as antidepressants. Together, we aim to define biochemical links between the gut microbiota and host physiology that will allow us to understand and shape metabolic and neurobiological health.
LSC 3 (Life Sciences Institute - 2350 Health Sciences Mall) MBIM itsupport@microbiology.ubc.ca America/Vancouver publicSeminar: Lipids, Cholesterol, and Neurotransmitters: Mediators of Host-Microbiota Interactions
Abstract: The mammalian intestinal tract is colonized by a complex microbial community called the gut microbiota. This community both responds to and affects host physiology in diverse ways. We are interested in how gut bacteria interact with host lipids, cholesterol, and neurotransmitters. We are exploring bacterial chemical processes that reshape systemic host lipid and cholesterol metabolism, and are investigating how lipid-mediating gut bacteria respond to dietary lipids. In addition, we are interested in how gut bacteria interact with neurotransmitters and drugs that modulate neurotransmitter activity, such as antidepressants. Together, we aim to define biochemical links between the gut microbiota and host physiology that will allow us to understand and shape metabolic and neurobiological health.