Professor Kayla King joins UBC Departments of Microbiology & Immunology and Zoology
After 10 years of teaching and research in Oxford University’s Biology department, Dr. Kayla King has joined the UBC Departments of Microbiology & Immunology, and Zoology.
Congratulations to MBIM Winners of 2022 Dean of Science Excellence in Service Awards!
Congratulations to Michelle Moksa and Andrew Sharon, who were awarded for their service contributions and significant positive impact for the UBC Science community.
CIFAR researcher Carolina Tropini is appointed Alan Bernstein fellow
Carolina Tropini, a member of CIFAR’s Humans & the Microbiome program, has been named the inaugural Alan Bernstein Fellow in honour of CIFAR’s President Emeritus.
B.C. sea sponge has COVID-blocking powers
UBC researchers have identified three compounds that prevent COVID-19 infection in human cells, derived from natural sources including a B.C. sea sponge.
Stephanie Besoiu & Petya Popova win 2022 Zymeworks Fellowship in Immunotherapeutics
Zymeworks Inc., a leading BC-based biotechnology company, has partnered with both M&I and MSL to fund these awards.
MBIM Staff Celebrate 25+ Year Milestones in the Department
This year, May Dang Lawson, Gilly Veniegas and John Nomellini celebrated milestone work anniversaries in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology.